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Sacred Singing - Related Publications2011-12 'Onboard Radio Receivers in the Scottish Fishing Industry 1950-1965: Evangelicalism and the Gospel Soloist' in The Sea and the British Musical Imagination (Cambridge University Press), Forthcoming. 2010 'Precentor-led Praise: Northern Scottish Traditions of Unaccompanied Congregational Singing', Musiké 5/6, III, 1 (2010). Visit Musiké website
2010 Annotated video collection, 'Musical Traditions of Scottish Evangelical Christians, 2005 – 2009' (Bloomington: EVIADA, Indiana University, 2010), www.eviada.org, Forthcoming.
2010 'The Impact of Ira D. Sankey on Hymnody and Instrumental Accompaniment in North-East Scottish Worship, from 1874', in Different Voices (Church of Scotland, 2010).
2009 Monograph: The Old Ship of Zion: Singing in Evangelicalism in North-East and Northern Isles Coastal Communities 1859-2009(University of Aberdeen: Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, 2009).
2009 Review of Karen Ahlquist, ed., Chorus and Community, in Folk Music Journal, 9/4 (2009).
2008 Review of Kirsten Sass Bak & Svend Nielsen, Spiritual Folk Singing: Nordic and Protestant Traditions, in The Swedish Journal of Musicology, 11 (2008).
2008 'Precentors and Pitchpipes: Congregational Singing in Brethren Assemblies in Heirskip(2008).
2007 'The Role of Sacred Song in Religious Awakenings Among the Fisherfolk of North-East Scotland During the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries' in The Travels and Travails of the ScotsHerring Girls, ed. by Jill de Fresnes (Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Skye: UHI Press, 2007) pp. 20-22
2007 'The Gospel Singing Tradition and the Fishing Industry of Buchan', Heirskip (2007), 25-7
2007 'The Singing Fishermen', Leopard Magazine 333 (March 2007), 23-4.
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