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Scottish Fiddle - Conference Papers

2011 18-20 February, 'The Bagpipe Music of the Fiddle: Exploring Scotland's West Highland Style', at the London Fiddle Conference, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 

2008 5-7 September, 'The Fiddle at Sea: Tradition and Innovation in the Cultural Milieu of Fishing and Exploratory Vessels from Scotland's Northern Isles during the Last Two Centuries' at the Music and the Idea of the North Conference, University of Leeds. 

2008 3-8 August, 'The Fiddle at Sea: Tradition and Innovation in the Cultural Milieu of Fishing and Exploratory Vessels from Scotland's Northern Isles during the Last Two Centuries' at the North Atlantic Fiddle Convention, Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland. 

2006 23-25 February, 'The Shetland Fiddle Tradition' at the London Fiddle Conference, SOAS, University of London.

2004 28 March - 2 April, 'The Shetland Fiddle Tradition' at The Soul of the Fiddle Conference, SOAS, University of London. 

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